Nutritionist, Herbalist, Ayurvedic practitioner, Closed Colonic Hydrotherapist, Lecturer, Speaker, Author, Registered Nurse, Adjunct Professional Fellow - helping the community for over 30 years.

Welcome To Ultimate Detox Solutions

At Ultimate Detox Solutions Clinic we are experts at detoxification.

We find out the cause of your problem and get you well.

Treatment programs offer various testing such as saliva, urine stool and blood.  From this, toxins and problems in the body are identified and treated as well as all your organs.

Colonic Hydrotherapy / Irrigation (closed method) may be part of your detox program.

We also teach Indian Head Massage and have offered accredited courses for over 13 years.

We offer a FREE DVD on How to Manage Digestive and Bowel Function (valued at $57).

You will receive 11 effective secrets that will offer solutions to your health concerns. Click the button below to download or, alternatively you can call the clinic on 9584 7327 or email us on

Michele is guest on Channel 31 TV

The dates and segments in Melbourne are:

  • Wed 15/11 at 9am – Are bloating and irritable bowl syndrome curable?
  • Fri 24/11 at 5.30pm – How food affects our digestive and nervous systems’ health.
    Wed 29/11 at 9am – How food affects our digestive and nervous systems’ health (repeat)
  • Fri 8/12 at 5.30pm – How toxins in the environment affect our digestive and nervous systems.
    Wed 13/12 at 9am – How toxins in the environment affect our digestive and nervous systems (repeat)

The dates and segments Australia Wide on Foxtel are:

  • Sat 25/11 at 6.30pm and 11.30pm – How food affects our digestive and nervous systems’ health.
    Sat 9/12 at 6.30pm and 11.30pm – How toxins in the environment affect our digestive and nervous systems.

You can watch past episodes by clicking the links below:

Ultimate Detox Solutions Programs

We are all subject to toxins in the modern world. A few examples of toxic sources are:- environmental toxins, off gasing from building materials and new cars, dioxins and xenoestrogens from plastics, cleaning products, cosmetics, additives colours and preservatives in foods, pesticides and herbicides from farming.

Most people I test have elevated levels of toxic metals and other harmful substances.

Please don’t brush this aside thinking that you couldn’t possibly be a candidate for heavy metal toxicity.

How Toxic Are You? You might be surprised!

Our clinic specialises in the following areas:

Colonic Hydrotherapy / Irrigation

Unlike other colonic treatments, we do a closed method of colonic hydrotherapy / irrigation and detox programs. You have the comfort and clinical support of having someone with you at all stages of the procedure. There is no odour, you are covered up and can go back to your normal life after the colonic.

The benefit of abdominal massage during the treatment causes more waste matter to be removed and the bowel is toned during the treatment. Techniques can also be done to relax the bowel.

Your practitioner will observe waste matter through a glass viewing tube- from this dietary advice can be given and problems which can cause debilitating health can be seen. For example sometimes Candida, parasites and undigested food can be seen.

If needed the correct herbs, remedies and diet can be given or testing can be done if required.

You are not sitting on a spike and there is no fear of being left alone like open method colonics.

Most importantly your care is very holistic and your health is our priority.

Michele is a Naturopath and Nurse.


Colon Naturopathy in Melbourne is a method of healing that empowers an individual to achieve a high level of health. The cause is treated as well as the whole person.

Prevention is accomplished through education and testing. It is based on the belief that given the right environment, the body has the power to heal itself. Dietary/ lifestyle advice, herbs, nutrition and flower remedies may be given.

A typical appointment will involve a series of questions, Iridology, a prescription dietary and lifestyle advice. There are different levels of care- symptomatic care, corrective care and ultimate wellness. Each level of care involves different testing methods and subsequent explanations and programs.

For example testing of urine and saliva for digestive issues. hair analysis for heavy metals and more…


Hypnobirthing in Melbourne is a way of birthing that teaches the mother techniques that help her towards a relaxing and stress free birth. It can transform pain and fear, thereby enabling a beautiful calm experience for mother and her partner.

  • Eliminates the Fear-tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.
  • Eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers.

The classes are usually five, two and a half hour classes once a week.

Learn Indian Head Massage

Learn over eighty techniques to relieve head and shoulder tension, headaches, migraines, muscle strain and eyestrain with Indian head massage. Enhance hair growth and texture and enjoy a remarkable relaxing experience. It includes lymphatic drainage massage and working on chakras. The techniques remove stress from the whole body.

In these courses you not only learn, you can enjoy the experience. It includes neck, shoulder/back, scalp and face massage. The sense of relaxation and well being it brings has to be experienced to be understood. This intensive course enables you to practice it immediately, anywhere, professionally or with family and friends.

Michele Wolff is an Ayurvedic Practitioner,  Registered Nurse and Naturopath/ Herbalist/ Nutritionist. (B.HSc, R.N.) She trained in London and Australia. She has taught in London, Australia and New Zealand. Michele is the only trained teacher of this type of Indian Head Massage in Australia. (Accredited) She has been teaching for 30 years.

Dates for 2024 for the two day course which is held over 2 days are 12 & 13 October, book at eventbrite – Indian Head Massage 2 Day Course 2024

FREE Chapter From Digestive Solutions

Digestive Solutions Book

Enter your details below to receive your FREE copy of "Chapter 11 Kitchen gut Pharmacy"

Book A Consultation Today

Call Now 03 95847327

Address and Trading Hours

Clinic Hours:
Tuesday 10:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday 2:00pm – 9:00pm
Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Every 2nd Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm

Clinic address:
67 Argus Street
Cheltenham VIC 3192

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